Did you notice that one of the things that Jon learned was that he was not alone. Statistics show that over 3% of the people of the world have Geographic Tongue.
That is, 3 out of
Y ep, that's 8,799,559 peoplei n the United States alone who haveGeographic Tongue! That would be about the same as everyone in the state of Georgia having Geographic Tongue!
Worldwide the number is an absolutely staggering 194,397,788. That's 194 Million people with Geographic Tongue!
So, if you know 33 people, I bet that someone you know, has Geographic Tongue just like Jon. Unfortunately, these days people are more likely to talk about their sex lives than about their tongue problems, so people like Jon (and you) might find information a bit difficult to come by. As the song says, 1 is the loneliest number, especially if you are the one out of 33, who is suffering with this problem. You might feel extremely lonely (even though it is actually almost a hidden epidemic!). Many Geographic Tongue sufferers are relieved to learn that they are not the only ones suffering with this problem . Like Dorothy. Dorothy lives just across the border from Jon in Scotland. Remember your favorite teacher back in High School? Well, that's Dorothy, she's is a sweet lady but she's retired now. She hasn't used a computer much and was a little skeptical about this whole e-book thing. She has her own computer but up until now had only used it for e-mail and "browsing." But Dorothy had tongue problems too. So just like Jon, she was thrilled when she came across the Healthy Tongue Secrets website. Dorothy had a combination of "Geographic Tongue", "Thrush" and "Burning Tongue Syndrome" which was bothering her something fierce. She had to find a solution. *Note: All of these (and more) are covered in depth in
our book
Here's what Dorothy had to say the first time she wrote to me:
Dorothy wanted something she could hold in her hands and make notes on, so we were happy to help her out and so with a little assistance from tech support (and her daughter) she said,
We've all heard "you can't judge a book by it's cover...", and once Dorothy printed it... she was absolutely thrilled with the content... here is what she had to say. Be sure to look for the comment about being "more settled"... and remember this was immediately after reading it ...
Is everyone who buys this book from Great Britain? Far from it! People just like you from all around the world have happily discovered the secrets in this book. We have satisfied customers from all over the US- from the cold of Alaska to the heat of Florida, big city New York to small town Arkansas, Rhode Island to Texas, and Maine to California (and everywhere in between) and every one of them are thrilled that they discovered this book's healing secrets. Yes, we also have many happy, healthy, satisfied people from other places, too, like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Sweden and Mexico. But that's not all, even people from exotic places like Thailand, India, Uganda and South Africa have happily discovered this secret. And age is no barrier either we have retired people like Dorothy but also ... Babies and Children !One of the most heartbreaking things I hear, is about babies and small children who are suffering unnecessarily with tongue problems like Geographic Tongue. I recently got a letter from Amy who told me this about her son who has it.
Many people have asked me, "Why did you spend hundreds of hours putting all this valuable information into a book?" Have you noticed the common thread throughout all of these letters? Jon was nearly "at the end of his tether" until he read Healthy Tongue Secrets, Dorothy "felt more settled" and Amy had "relief and peace of mind." To tell the truth, it was worth all the late nights without sleep, doing the research and the writing to be able to hear of all the people who have gotten a small bit of comfort. I have really enjoyed being able to help many nice people just like you who are suffering through no fault of their own. That is why, I decided to share the Secret discovery of how to eliminate Geographic Tongue with those people like Amy (and you) who are really interested in getting well. Then there is Karen. Let me tell you about her. Karen (like many women) developed Geographic Tongue during pregnancy. In a moment I will tell you the rest of her story but first... Let me tell you why I’m convinced that there is a very good reason for so many pregnant women having tongue problems . You see, research reveals that 80 to 90% of pregnant women are deficient in one or more critical nutrients. As their body's demand for nutrients increases they just aren't getting them.
Did you know? (For instance, incredible as it seems... 60 servings of spinach to get the same amount of iron as in one serving of
spinach in 1948!)
Imagine a broken down stone wall...... there are rocks missing all over the place. You know you have to find exactly the right rock to fit each hole. You have the exhausting task of hunting and scavenging all over a huge field in the burning sun until you find exactly the right rock to fit each hole. Then you have the backbreaking job of struggling and straining to lift that huge rock into the wheelbarrow... by now the sweat is just pouring off of you. Then you have to push and strain to move the heavy wheelbarrow back to the wall. After all that work, you still have to unload it and line it up exactly and then lever it into place. All for one rock... then you have to start over and go on another hunt for the next rock... exactly the right size and shape... That is exactly what your body goes through every day. Now to make matters worse...What if some big bully was coming along behind you and constantly trying to knock the wall down while you are trying to build it up? Would you be able to keep up in the first instance? (Maybe) What about in the second? (Almost Definitely Not). Unfortunately, modern life is full of bullies like stress, pollution, toxic chemicals, preservatives, etc. But what if...You have a big strong (and fast) helper like Mr. Universe, standing right next to you... He is quick and strong and ready to hand you exactly the right rock for each spot. He does all the lifting... all the hard work... all you have to do is just guide it into place. Do you think the repair would go any quicker? Of course it would. You could slide in rock after rock with almost no effort on your part. (This is your body with a full storehouse of nutrients, antioxidants, minerals, etc.) Well, that is what it is like when you give your body the exact nutrients it needs. It just slaps them into the right slot and Bam! The miraculous healing power of your own body goes to work repairing the damage of bullies like stress, pollution, toxic chemicals, preservatives, etc.Before you know it, your body is not only able to keep up, but your body can actually get ahead and that means you can get back to the peak of health. But back to Karen... How Karen Eliminated Her Tongue Problems...
Karen's first question was if it would work for "pregnancy induced geographic tongue." Actually everyone's body needs the right nutrients to counteract the damage being inflicted on their bodies every day. But
pregnant women are especially vulnerable because the demand for nutrients is so much higher. (They are not just repairing a wall, they are trying to build a whole new one at the same time!)If you have ever seen a case of Geographic Tongue you will know that typically it consists of bald patches or white rings around bald patches on the tongue. In addition to just looking bad, it often will put a crimp in your social life and many people like the young lady in this next letter wonder if it is contagious.
... It's sad to say but I used to be scared to kiss my children and my husband because I thought it was contagious, and because there was not much information about Geographic Tongue available... |
Do you hate the sight of your tongue?
Are you afraid to lick your lips in public for fear of
what others will think if they see your tongue?
Is your tongue getting worse?
Are you worried that Geographic Tongue is actually a
symptom of something else?
Is your Body trying to tell you
Do you have a slight feeling of "unwellness"? or do you have a feeling that something just isn't right?
Do you have all the energy you "should" have? (or once had?)
If any of these sound like you...
you have come to the right place!
Or perhaps...
You just wish you had a few days relief like this poor woman:
I have had geographic tongue for 11 years. It just seems
to be getting worse. I am to the point now that I do not even want to lick
my lips in front of anybody because it looks so bad. My tongue is very sore,
my whole tongue has broken out in white lesions. It is so irritating because
just when I think it may be clearing up ... it comes right back. I am tired
of having this problem.
One time an oral surgeon told me it could be a yeast infection so he gave me Nystatin®. Unfortunately, that did not work. My dentist now tells me to hold a tea bag on my tongue. I tried that, it seems to do nothing. Is there anything that can be done for this? If I could just have a few weeks relief from this problem I would be happy.... |
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they're back again.
Perhaps you're wondering who I am and how I discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue?
am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.
I hope you won't think I'm bragging, because I'm not. I just
want to explain how my unique background enabled me to
discover the Secrets that can give
a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn't know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold "covert" interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn's disease and started wasting away. I couldn't eat without excruciating pain. It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what made you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn's disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
Then about two years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she'd gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn's). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren't much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I
put together for her...
here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I'm dealing with... and there is actually a name to it! I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn't know this! ... Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!-- Thanks,
Allison |
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn't rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
"You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general."
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body but... modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, "Open wide", he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of "strep' instead!
Your Tongue is "the Window to your Digestive System"
Here's a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or "gas gauge" for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a "Gas Gauge" indicating when your body is low on something.
Can you imagine... a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, "There must be something wrong... I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty! " Or perhaps he says, "I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn't need to put gas in it again this week!" or maybe "It isn't fair".
No, that's ridiculous, a logical person like you, would realize that the the gauge isn't the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You realize that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won't run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health. I'm sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank...
You shouldn't blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how these little indicators actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health. I hope by now you are beginning to see why treating your tongue as a disease rather than as the symptom (or indicator) will never work.
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song "Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places"? Well, I passionately believe, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue.
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, "what are you looking for?" the 2nd man says "the Ten Dollar bill I dropped". So George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks "where exactly did you drop it?" The 2nd man replies, "up the street a ways." George is amazed and stands up and shouts, "Then why are you looking here?" To which the 2nd man replies, "Because the light is better!"...
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look... the solution is obvious!
The morning starts much like any other... The alarm clock rings...You get out of Bed... you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue... but there the similarity ends... This day is different... you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true... a healthy new pink tongue...
No more bald patches... no more white lines... just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can't believe your eyes... it is almost too wonderful... for a moment you might think that you had a "tongue transplant" in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it's true, your tongue can be so healthy you won't even recognize it!
Many modern drugs like steroids are like a quick paint job which just cover up the real problem.
Your tongue is just a symptom... it is not the real problem... Find the real problem and fix it and your tongue will fix itself!
Unfortunately, your body is very complex... like a car that runs on gasoline, propane, diesel and hydrogen all at the same time. Unfortunately, there is only one gauge for all of them. So if one fuel is empty, the gauge will read empty but you will still have to determine which one is needed. That is why finding the right solution to your tongue problems is so difficult. But in "Healthy Tongue Secrets" I will give you exactly the right tools to determine what you need to do to restore the health of your tongue and your body.
Perhaps it was destiny...
...that my abilities and my problem would come together to result in a solution to the many tongue problems affecting so many peoples lives. At first, I just wanted to help my friend Allison. But then I realized that was a selfish attitude.
There are thousands of people out there just like you suffering with Geographic Tongue.
Because I have already done all the hard work, spending hour upon hour, compiling this report for Allison, You are in the right place at the right time! And that is why I am so excited about this for you. This way everybody wins!
Question: I live out in the country and don't have access to fancy stores, will I be able to follow your suggestions?
Answer: The key vitamins and minerals and other recommendations in the book are easy to locate in almost any health food store or pharmacy. If you absolutely can't find them anywhere you can click on the links included in my electronic book and order them on line.
Question: I am on a fixed income... will these products cost me a lot?
Answer: No, most of the things I recommend are extremely inexpensive. Some can be bought for as little as $1.98 others may cost a little more.
Question: I am pregnant (or Nursing) will your system work for me?
Answer: If you are pregnant or nursing your body needs more nutrients than at any other time. Research reveals that over 80% of pregnant women are deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals. Some of these missing key vitamins not only create the perfect environment for Geographic Tongue but they also put your baby at risk for brain damage and other birth defects. If you are pregnant or nursing it is absolutely imperative that you listen to what your tongue is trying to tell you!
Question: My baby daughter is 15 months
old and has geographic tongue. I have breastfed her up to 14 months yet
she has been having it from the day she was born.
How do you explain that? Breast milk has everything in it she needs, she
is also a very healthy normal toddler. Can your book be useful to her or
is she too young?
Answer: I am sorry to hear about
one so young having this problem. But you have asked an excellent
question and there are a couple of possible explanations.
Everyone absorbs vitamins differently and one possible explanation is
that even though your milk has everything your baby needs, your baby may
be having difficulty absorbing certain vitamins.
More likely, as I said in the previous answer, often women who are nursing are
deficient in certain vitamins, if you don't have them how can you pass
them on to your baby?
Question: Is there anything else that can cause Geographic Tongue besides just vitamin deficiencies?
Answer: Yes, many things can cause Geographic Tongue. One thing that I can think of off the top of my head would be something like "Thrush" or "Yeast" which can cause vitamin absorption problems. If you have Yeast problems it can lead to many other problems including Geographic Tongue. Incidentally, since Thrush and yeast problems are are so closely related to Geographic Tongue it is thoroughly covered in the book along with many other tongue problems.
Question: Would a blood test tell me what my body is missing?
Answer: The answer is a definite maybe. Generally a blood test will tell you if you are really deficient in something. But often if you are on the "low" end of a scale the Doctor will tell you the levels are "normal" when in actuality that is still your problem.
Question: Will your system work for me?
Answer: Well there is no way to tell for sure until you try it, but I have a rare and unique solution that has worked for hundreds of people already, and It's as close to a "Sure Thing" as you're going to find.
Question: Can your system make me worse?
Answer: Everything in my system is natural, there are no harsh chemicals or drugs. Everything is based on giving your system the building blocks it needs to restore your health.
Question: Will I have to make major changes in my lifestyle to follow your system?
Answer: No, there are no major changes. Although if you are living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle it can increase your bodies need for a variety of nutrients and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to reduce those stresses.
Question: I have heard that my computer can get a virus if I download anything from the internet.
Answer: Our e-book has been scanned for virus' and is guaranteed virus free. So although there are viruses on the internet our book is perfectly safe.
My book "Healthy Tongue Secrets" covers all of these topics and more, but it is not written specifically for babies, toddlers (or pregnant or nursing women) so you would have to think about how your baby's problem would relate through her connection to you. You might want to check with your doctor or pediatrician before using them.
...and there you find that someone has mysteriously left a blue folder. Stamped across the front you see the big bold words...
You glance around wondering...
where could it have come from?
Then you look a little closer and in small black print stenciled across the front you see the name of the report that is contained inside the folder. The report is mysteriously named "Healthy Tongue Secrets".
You might ask yourself, why have I been blessed with this knowledge now? The old saying, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" might cross your mind. You ask yourself, Am I ready to find the solution?
Could you resist sneaking a peek inside?
Deep down you know this report contains all the secrets you have been looking for.
You know it will solve every one of your tongue problems.
Could you resist tearing it open to find the Secrets you so desperately want?
What if there really is a Top-Secret solution for Geographic Tongue?
Would you like to know what it is?
If I were you I know I would.
Just like Jon in the first story, I can make the white rings and "bald patches" come and go on my tongue almost at will and I can show you how to take control of your tongue too!
But, I must admit that the process isn't "instantaneous" or "magic" it generally takes a week for the changes to begin taking effect and another week or two for my tongue to return to a completely normal healthy condition. Then as long as I stay in "maintenance mode" I usually don't have any problems. Occasionally, when I am under extreme stress, the problem will crop up again (since I am not paying much attention to it) and I will have to repeat the treatment.
But under normal circumstances, it is entirely under control!
Yep, It's true.
By giving your tongue the proper nutrients and taking the proper steps, you can make your tongue strong and healthy too, just like I have!
Like you and most other Geographic Tongue sufferers, I had been dealing with this problem for a while. So, I understand the frustration you feel when you think about correcting this problem. Helplessness is one of the worst feelings around and it seems that every time you go to your doctor, all they do is perform more tests and pronounce: "There is not much you can do for your Geographic Tongue... but don't worry it's not serious."
When I hear stories like that from people before they bought my book it makes boiling me mad!
There are millions of people just like you suffering with Geographic Tongue and wishing that there is something you can do about it. And the truth is, there is something you can do about it!
Instead of getting more and more depressed and frustrated, wondering what is wrong with you... it simply isn't necessary! My readers and I are living proof that you can control your Geographic Tongue! You just need to know the Secret!
This type of helpless thinking needs to stop, right NOW!
There is a simple easy Solution for Geographic Tongue! As a matter of fact it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to do! Believe me, the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks! You just have to give it a try.
In addition, to make it easy for you, I have developed a proprietary V.I.G.O.R. System for tongue health. This system is covered completely in chapter 15 and isn't available anywhere else.
And there is absolutely no risk on your part, you see I am so sure that this information is exactly what you have been searching for, that I am willing to take all the risk. Read it for a full 90 days and if you aren't satisfied for any reason (or no reason at all) simply return it for a full refund and keep the Bonuses as my gift to you, just for giving me a chance to help you with your Geographic Tongue problem.
![]() |
Guaranteed To Improve Your Health...
Or Get Your Money Back!
If this book doesn't turn your life around and make your
tongue healthier, I don't think you should have to pay for it.
Just drop me a note and I'll refund all your money. |
Signed,![]() |
Remember, I am taking all the risk, I know you could easily read the book, cure your problem and then request a refund. But I trust you. And I really want you to experience the "settled feeling" and "peace of mind" that Dorothy and Amy spoke about.
Why would I be willing to take all the Risk? To let you read the book and then decide whether to keep it? Because experience has shown that almost everyone who reads it has found it extremely valuable and refuses to give it up!
I did have one woman who read it and said, she already knew everything and she would like a refund.
You could almost hear her whine in the message she sent:
"I bought your book out of desperation because my Geographic tongue is so bad. I wasted my money and am humiliated. You did not provide me with anything i did not already know. I am humiliated i spent my money on this. I would like it if you would refund my money. I needed help with GT-not every other tongue problem." |
(Name Withheld) |
I promptly sent her a refund and I must confess I was so surprised that I wrote her back (it's rare that you meet someone who knows everything). I was also curious why someone would be "humiliated" because they tried to solve their problem.
And to tell you the truth, (secretly, I still wanted to help her, even if I had already refunded her money) so I asked about what she had tried and if she had heard of this new research, etc. (which she hadn't) and she appeared really high strung and stressed. I felt sorry for her. It was also obvious that she had disregarded half the book (and all the bonuses) because it "wasn't specifically targeted" toward Geographic Tongue. She totally failed to grasp how our bodies are completely interrelated and how all tongue problems stem from a single cause. I was saddened and disappointed that she wouldn't let me help her.
You are unwilling to look at the "Big Picture" and
insist instead on focusing on a single tree rather than being
willing to see the whole
You get "Humiliated" because you want a solution to
your problem
You have a closed mind and aren't willing to look at
things from a new perspective
You already know everything
You actually enjoy whining
Fortunately, If you have read this far...
You have already demonstrated that you do have an open mind and are truly looking for the secret to a healthy tongue. So I think we can help you.
The vast majority of people we deal with do not "know everything". Most of the people we deal with like Jon, Dorothy and Karen are very nice people and I am glad that we can help them. Here is what Diane had to say :
This is day 8 of a tongue so painful that I have been
talking like I have a hairlip. Singing in church Sunday
was an outstanding experience for all seated around me.
I will start taking these supplements in these amounts today... Thanks for all your help, I have enjoyed your book. |
God Bless You, Diane |
A week later I got this one from her:
Things are much better, I have been taking
vitamins just about every day...
I have been super cautious about my diet simply because I DO NOT want my tongue to hurt that bad again, but the vitamin therapy seems to help a lot. THANK YOU!
Another good thing is my son does not nurse as
often as he used to (every two hours) I think the
added vitamins are making my milk quality better, so
he is not hungry as often, so I am going to give you
the credit for that as well.
Thanks for checking on me, keep in touch ! |
God Bless
Diane |
To me, it is worth the risk of running in to an occasional "know it all" in order to be able to help so many people and make so many new friends.
Once again I really do enjoy hearing from everyone. Just drop me a note and I will respond and try to help you any way I can.
How great would it be to get your healthy tongue back? Stop...Think about it for a moment. What difference would it make in your life? Would you feel free from the nagging feeling that is haunting you?
What price would you pay? Would you Pay $500 for a healthy tongue? If you have visited a doctor lately you probably already have!
If you visit your doctor, he will probably charge you about $85 for a single office visit and then he might prescribe hundred's of dollars worth of tests...
...and unfortunately after he was finished he would probably tell you that he couldn't find anything wrong. But not wanting you to leave empty handed... he might prescribe some antibiotics, antifungals, steroids, nasty tasting salves, etc. And that's not taking into consideration the hours of your precious time you would have wasted. How much is a day of your time worth? At least $100?
Their Way: Doctor's Visit $85 Total Cost $535 |
That's a lot of time, money, and aggravation wasted for no solution!
And No Guarantee of Success!
Plus it's even worse! Geographic Tongue is actually an indicator that your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, so you aren't as healthy as you should be! So if you "paint over" the problem with steroids, you still haven't gotten to the root of the problem!
Do you remember how good you felt when you were younger, how much energy you had, perhaps back when you were in High School? Often people like you don't even know how good they can feel! They have gotten used to not having energy and chalk it up to "old age" or too much work, or...
If you provide your body with the building blocks it needs to repair itself, your Geographic Tongue will go away and you will have all the energy you could want!
You don't have to
deprive your body a day longer, you can start restoring your Tongue to Health today!You can Root out
the problems that are lurking in your body sending signals to your tongue and eliminate them NOW. Before they get worse!Since Healthy Tongue Secrets is in electronic format you can down load it to your computer today just like Charlene. Here is what she had to say.
May 21, 2005
Dear Tim,
Thank you for saving me...YES, saving me. Without your hard work
and I have suffered geographical tongue for perhaps two years. My doctor said, "You picked the wrong parents, it's nothing to worry about, it's painless." Sound familiar? I tried to forget it but it became increasingly harder to do. I searched the internet for info and gathered bits and pieces but nothing concrete. I had all but given up when I tried, years later, to search the internet again. I wasn't hopeful because I had looked before. But this time I found your site...the site that would change my life in more ways than one. After purchasing and reading your e-book I have to admit I was confused as to where to start with such a wealth of information. I made a plan to start with the basics by starting with the vitamins you recommended. I didn't run out and buy the most expensive vitamins either. I bought generics thinking I could work my way up from there as need be. In eight days I am totally changed!! By the fourth day I had reversed all my symptoms including that horrible depression my doctor said was menopause. It wasn’t menopause at all! I thought I was losing my mind and to make matters worse I was battling an extreme bout with GT. I am a changed person and I owe it all to you. What a difference you’ve made in my life. I want you to know that I am SO happy to have found your site. I am sending a before and after shot of my tongue. I wish I had taken a shot a day or two before I took this one on the 12th of May. It doesn’t look too terribly bad but it was.
I was impressed, before buying your e-book, that you offered a money back guarantee. I felt I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. With that you gained my trust. I HAD to trust somebody and my doctor was obviously not the right choice. There is so much information in your e-book...I am still reading it. Thanks again Tim. Words cannot express my gratitude. One by one you are enriching lives that desperately need your help!
In fact you can be on the road to a healthy tongue in just minutes! Just like Charlene!
But there's even more...
If you order today:
In addition to getting
the complete "Healthy Tongue Secrets"
You will also get the following
Bonus # 1
Traditional Chinese medicine has
used the tongue as an indicator of health for thousands of
years perhaps they know something we don't?
Millions of people look to Traditional Chinese Medicine for
healing and diagnosis.
Ancient Tongue Secrets:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Do you know what the color of
your tongue, its size and shape, and the color and thickness
of its coating
are saying about your
This report documents some
miraculous results achieved through Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Practitioners believe that the tongue is the beginning of
the digestive system and the only visible digestive organ.
They have spent thousands of years perfecting the art of
determining total body health (and especially digestive
health) from the look, shape, color, texture and coating of
the tongue. This revealing report will open your eyes to a
new way of looking at your tongue.
Value $5.00
Bonus # 2:
Everyone has some yeast in their system!
So even if you don't think Yeast is your problem you need to
read this special report! Conquering Yeast and restoring the
proper "good bacteria" is a key step in returning your
system to health!
We think of
yeast as the friendly stuff that helps our bread to rise and provides
B-Vitamins. But did you know that it can mutate into a monstrous
parasite with tendrils that dig deep into mucous membranes like your
intestines, genitals and tongue? Kind of like an almost microscopic Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde? In this excellent report,
Ms. Shea shows how yeast mutates and infects our tongues and
digestive systems causing all kinds of problems. She shows how Candida (yeast) actually eats
intestinal tissue, causing Candida can also weaken your immune system and cause or
make other problems (including Tongue problems and other
"mystery diseases") worse.
Fortunately, Ms. Shea has compiled many resources to show
you the way to eliminate these problems. This report is
priceless for those suffering from Yeast problems or for
those whose tongue problems are being complicated by Yeast.
This wonderful in-depth report also includes dozens of more
links to valuable resources and products to help you cure
your yeast problems.
Value $25.00
Bonus # 3:
Plus there's more, in addition to Vitamins... Mineral Salts
play a key role in our overall health but have you ever
heard of them?Yeast- The Mutant Destroyer
How to Fight Back and Win
By Sheila Shea
There are 12 key mineral salts that have been found to
relate to certain health issues. Everyone has heard of
Potassium and Magnesium. But did you know that there are
actually three types of Potassium? Potassium Chloride,
Potassium Sulphate, and Potassium Phosphate and each
one serves a different purpose in the body? Did you know
that a deficiency of Potassium Sulfate can cause a yellow
coating on the tongue? Simply by balancing all 12 of these key minerals
many people have achieved a return to optimal health. In this special report you will learn what
the symptoms of Mineral Salt deficiencies are and what you can do about it!
Value $5.00
Bonus # 4:Cure Yourself with Homeopathic Mineral Salts
by Winston Saga
But that's not all...
Includes a great list of
yeast overgrowth symptoms plus some of the correlations with
Fibromyalgia. Also includes some excellent Yeast resources.
Bonus # 5:
Do you have a strange Sour, Bitter or Metallic taste in your
mouth? Or perhaps you have Dry Mouth, Burning Mouth Syndrome
or Hairy Tongue? If you have tongue problems you might have other
problems as well, this is a great resource with many more
links to money saving products that can help you resolve all
kinds of mouth and tongue problems. This is a great addition
that will save you a lot of aggravation and money!
This great resource includes
a wealth of information onYeast Overgrowth and Fibromyalgia: Is There a Connection?
By Dr. Harold Katz
In addition to all of the above, this excellent report also includes coupons to allow you to save hundreds of dollars on Oral Hygiene supplies.
Value $150+
Often people with tongue or mouth problems also have a problem with Bad Breath! The commercials about the cause of bad breath are all wrong! Dr. Katz specializes in Breath problems and he will show you the real cause and a fast simple solution! And surprisingly these solutions are very soothing to the tongue and also help eliminate tongue problems!
Bonus Number 6:
By Dr. Harold Katz
Bad Breath is probably the most misunderstood health
condition in the world today. It is often misdiagnosed as
stomach problems or poor oral hygiene or worse. Did you know
that bad breath is actually related to your tongue? The
information in The Bad Breath Bible is the most
complete treatment of this subject available.
It is the ultimate resource on the causes of Bad
Breath and the health problems associated with it. This is
the perfect companion to
Value $9.95
Bonus # 7:
The "Healthy Tongue Secrets" System
plus the above reports are easily worth the price we are
asking but that is not all... you also get some great
information on how to live a very Long healthy happy
Methuselah’s Secret:
Do you want to live a Long and Healthy Life? The key word
here is healthy! This book reveals the common element that is the key to living a
happy healthy life, totally disease free!
Methuselah is the
oldest recorded living person, he died at the ripe old age
of 969! Impossible? Maybe not! Do you know why Methuselah lived so long? Would you like to
know his secret to longevity?
This book contains
a unique perspective that might just hold the key to why
Methuselah was the oldest man to ever live. It also
contains a fascinating account of how the Germ theory came about and
some of the details that might be missing from modern
medicine. In addition, by reading this you might just
learn how you can use Methuselah's Secret to create a longer
healthier life for yourself (and in the process eliminate your tongue
Value $15.00
Bonus # 8:
The Key to Health and Long Life
By Tim McMahon
The Geographic Tongue Update Report
Things change, new information is appearing every day so I have compiled a brief report on some amazing new discoveries I have made since the Healthy Tongue Secrets book was written. Like I said before, I have become obsessed with Geographic Tongue and other tongue problems and so I am constantly finding new information and interesting research that is being done on tongue problems. I have compiled a few important facts that you absolutely need to know into this brief report.
Value $5.00
Bonus # 9:
Personal Attention to Your Questions
I am not a Doctor and can not give medical advice, but as a purchaser of this book you have the right to send me two questions and I will do my best to answer them. I will try to help you and share my experience with you personally, all you have to do is ask. Perhaps you have a question or an issue that I didn't cover fully enough in the book or you want some clarification on well now you have a way to get that information.
This alone is worth the price of the book. Normally, I won't accept a consulting job for less than $50-$100 per hour and research would cost you more than that, but as a special bonus for my loyal readers I am offering this opportunity.
But I'm not sure how long I can continue to make this offer. After all, I can only answer so many questions personally, if too many people take me up on this offer I will have to remove this bonus... so act now while this is still available.
Value $100.00
Why have we given you so much for so little cost? Because we wanted to give you so much value for you money that you would be crazy to refuse to try our Risk Free system.
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Thinking about making use of all The Secrets
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Delivery is within seconds so you don't have to suffer
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Start on the Road to a Healthy Tongue
Don't Decide
Now... You don’t risk a penny by accepting my invitation to download Healthy Tongue Secrets today. In fact, you don’t even have to say Yes. All you have to do is to say “MAYBE”. Because I will give you a 100% no risk money-back guarantee. Here’s how it works: If you're unhappy, for any reason, or no reason, simply return the book for a fast refund of every penny. No questions asked. No hassles. No problems. I promise. And get this: you can “test drive” Healthy Tongue Secrets for three full months. If you don't feel it is worth 100 times your investment just send the book back and I’ll refund your money on the spot. This means you can read the whole book and try it out for FREE. So don’t decide now. Decide after you’ve read the book and put the secret of a healthy tongue to the test on your tongue. So now you might be wondering, Okay Tim, How Much Is Healthy Tongue Secrets? Actually, compared with what you get, it’s a lot less than you’d expect. Remember, I spent a year and a half and literally hundreds (probably more) of hours researching and compiling this data! If you hire a professional researcher to find this information for you he will charge you at least $50 an hour! Two Hundred hours of research will cost you $10,000! Remember A doctor's visit will cost you about $535! But you don’t have to pay that much. You
don’t even have to pay $ Our price for this valuable life changing information is Only(less than the cost of those worthless prescriptions), so everyone can afford it! If you can afford dinner at McDonalds and a movie for two you can afford this book. (And McDonalds and a Movie won't change your life!)
You Can Click Here to Download Healthy Tongue Secrets Why so low? Simple. I don’t want price to be an issue here. I truly believe in sharing my knowledge and trying to help everyone find the solution to their tongue problem. I believe that’s the way to do it. That’s why I priced it so low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if you don’t like it for any reason you’ll get every penny back. However, I might change my mind about the price and the personal assistance bonus. If I do the price shoots up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around. Just download Healthy Tongue Secrets and you’ll be on your way to a Healthy Tongue Today. Now that’s a personal promise! Sincerely,
Tim McMahon P.S. Yes, you get the full size 129 page Healthy Tongue Secrets book which includes the Secret for creating a healthy tongue plus my proprietary V.I.G.O.R. system, plus the 8 bonus books plus you get Me! I will be personally available to answer your questions all for only $39. So order now while you are thinking about it. You have a full 90 days to decide to keep it. P.P.S. How many Thank You Letters have You written to Strangers? Of course, I've written lots of thank you letters to friends and family but, if you are like me you probably haven't written many of them to strangers. So that is why, I really get a kick out of getting these letters, because I know how happy someone must have been to actually sit down and take some of their precious time to write me. It really makes my day to get these letters and I would love to hear from you too. So, make a mental note, once your tongue problem is resolved, you will take a moment and drop me a note, too. I would really appreciate it! I can't wait to hear that my system has helped you resolve your tongue problem too.
Remember: You're receiving the Secret to the Healthy Tongue of your Dreams I don’t know about you, but when I think about the day I regained my health was one of the happiest days of my life (next to the day I got married and the day my kids were born.) But to get your Healthy Tongue you have to take action! Now! Don't let the opportunity for a healthy tongue and body pass you by! Listen – this is your chance. It's your time. I know you really want to find the Secret to a Healthy Tongue so I'm sure you want to act right away.
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More Questions?
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I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Tim McMahon, Author
Healthy Tongue Secrets
Or you can mail me a personal check or money order. If you prefer I will even hold your check for 30 days before cashing it. Mail in Order Form
International Geographic Tongue Support Group, LLC
7283 Yahley Mill Road
Richmond, VA
Copyright ©2005 HealthyTongueSecrets.com
All Rights Reserved
The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Information given here is for research and educational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe treatment."