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Tag Archives for " Fissured Tongue "

What Your Tongue Says about Your Health

Tongue diagnosis has been part of alternative medicine and herbal treatment for thousands of years. The color, texture and state of your tongue give vital hints to your health often just as accurate as modern high tech tests.

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There Is Hope for Your Tongue Problem!

Dear Tongue Sufferer, You’re stuck! You’ve visited doctor after doctor (or website after website) and they all say the same thing… your tongue problems are no problem.  They’re benign… nothing serious… nothing to worry about… no treatment is necessary. So why are you still looking? Because you know deep down inside that “they” are WRONG! […]

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Can’t Wait to Read the Healthy Tongue Secrets Book

Dear Tim, Thank you for your quick response.  I just wanted to let you know that my curiosity got the better of me so I downloaded your book.  I just wanted to tell you that I am impressed so far.  It looks like there is a lot of good info in your book even though […]

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What is Fissured Tongue?

Fissures closeup

​Fissured tongue is characterized by cracks or “fissures”.  It can also be called “Plicated” or “Scrotal Tongue” and many doctors will tell you that it is “normal”, “benign”, “harmless” and are much like wrinkles and therefore nothing to be worried about.But as you’ll see in a moment… that may not be entirely true… your doctor […]

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