What causes Geographic Tongue?

By Tim McMahon

To Say that it is Benign is shortsighted

Doctor's consistently say that the cause of Geographic Tongue is unknown and that it is "benign” meaning not life threatening and not extremely serious. In addition they commonly report that “no treatment is necessary”.

But based on my research, this is an extremely short sighted and possibly harmful approach to this problem that plagues between 1% and as many as 10% of the population.

Statistics show that over 3% of the people of the world have Geographic Tongue. That is, 3 out of 100 or  One out of every 33 1/3 people! That comes out to 8,799,559 people in the United States alone that have Geographic Tongue!

That would be about the same as everyone in the state of Georgia having Geographic Tongue!

Worldwide the number is an absolutely staggering 194 Million people with Geographic Tongue!

Interestingly there are a variety of Nutrients that these same Doctors have documented that when you are deficient in them cause symptoms like bald patches on your tongue and other "Geographic Tongue like" symptoms.

Isn't it amazing that test after test has proven that various deficiencies cause Geographic Tongue symptoms but doctors still say the cause of Geographic Tongue is unknown?


Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song "Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places"? Well, I passionately believe, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue.

There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!

As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! In my book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!

The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! So they refuse to see the solution that is right in front of them!

Today's chemically grown foods just don't have the nutrients they used to.

At the same time the incidence of Geographic Tongue is increasing.

Are you beginning to see a relationship here?

Did you know?

  • A Recent USDA study showed that only 4% of Americans are getting the minimum recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of their essential vitamins?
  • Another US Government survey found that out of 21,000 people surveyed, NOT ONE  of them managed to eat the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of the ten basic nutrients studied. (It's hard to believe not one out of 21,000, so what are the odds that you are getting what you need?)
  • On any given day, 91% of Americans don't eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.
  • Because of Modern Agriculture the food you eat doesn't have the nutritional value your grandparents got from eating the same food.

(For instance, incredible as it seems...
 today you would have to eat

60 servings of spinach

to get the same amount of iron as in one serving of spinach in 1948!)

  • 65% of Americans don't get the minimum daily requirement of Zinc! And Zinc is essential for your immune system and for strong sexual performance. (Perhaps if more people took Zinc there would be less demand for Viagra).


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    The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  Information given here is for research and educational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe treatment."