Video: How Tim was able to Beat his Geographic Tongue and how You can too.
Geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition of the tongue affecting between 2- 3% of the population of the United States but it has been known to affect as many as 15% of children in malnourished populations. It is characterized by denuded regions where the taste buds are missing and these patches are often surrounded by white rings. It may be accompanied by fissures or cracks in the surface of the tongue.
While Geographic Tongue itself does not cause pain, it may be associated with pain due to related conditions such as cracks (fissures) or burning tongue (aka. burning mouth syndrome). Typically this results in a burning or stinging sensation, especially after contact with certain foods. Typical food irritants are tomato, pineapple, citrus, spicy foods, sour foods, eggplant, walnuts, sharp cheeses, and mint. In addition, it seems to be easier to burn your tongue in the denuded spots causing additional pain. Often the first time it is noticed is after an episode of drinking a hot liquid and noticing the burning sensation.
If you act today, you can take advantage of my limited-time, introductory offer and get my revolutionary e-book
Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue
(and other Tongue Problems)
for only $39.95.
Note: In my e-book “Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue” I cover the causes of Bald patches, Fissures, various White Coatings and red bumps, in depth, plus much much more.

My Tongue Without Vitamins
The reason that the solution to Geographic Tongue is so elusive is because there are many forms of tongue problems. And whenever there isn't a “one size fits all” solution the medical establishment claims that the solution is “anecdotal” which basically means that there is no proof and it might be just a coincidence.But in my case because I am missing a specific section of my intestines I do not absorb specific nutrients. And just like a “Lab Rat” that is bred with a specific problem, that makes me the perfect test case for deficiencies. The only way for me to get these nutrients is through injection. Without it I am 100% guaranteed to be deficient. So I can create a deficiency whenever I want. And every single time I do, my Geographic Tongue will come back, guaranteed. So this is a bit more scientific than simply anecdotal. I can repeat the process at will.
“It’s not perfect yet but it is 98%…”
This is a picture of my tongue when I’m doing everything right. It may not be perfect but it is much better.
I hear this same thing quite often after people start using my system to improve their tongue.
“It’s not perfect yet but it is 98%…”
If you'd like to see a dramatic improvement in your tongue you need to look at the three critical factors: Nutrition, Toxins and Stress. And they are all covered in Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue (and other Tongue Problems).
Order it Below.

My Pretty Good Tongue
Yes Tim!
I want to eliminate my Tongue Problems… just like you have.
I understand that your e-book includes valuable information available nowhere else on eliminating Tongue problems like:
- Geographic Tongue
- Fissured Tongue
- Beefy Enlarged Tongue
- Burning Tongue
- Thrush
- and other Tongue Problems
I need this information A.S.A.P
If I order Now I understand
I can download it immediately
and get started right away!
Only $39.95