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By Tim McMahon
Pregnancy is a time of high nutritional need, after all you are “eating for two” now. Not that you need twice the calories but you do need twice the nutrition to build healthy bones and bodies. But in today’s world it is difficult to get the proper nutrition for one let alone enough for two.
I’m convinced that there is a very good reason why so many pregnant women are having tongue problems . You see, research reveals that 80 to 90% of pregnant women are deficient in one or more critical nutrients. As their body’s demand for nutrients increases they just aren’t getting them. Not only can this result in Geographic Tongue but also in an increased risk of things like Spina-Bifida. (See Alison’s comment below).
Today’s chemically grown foods just don’t have the nutrients they used to. At the same time the incidence of Geographic Tongue is increasing.
Everyone’s body needs the right nutrients to counteract the damage being inflicted on their bodies every day. But pregnant women are especially vulnerable because the demand for nutrients is so much higher.
Dear Tim,
I just bought your e-book today, and am full of optimism! My geographic tongue started over 15 years ago when…you guessed it….I was pregnant for the first time! (when I saw that this is common, I nearly fell off my seat – it was the first time I’d heard that, and it made me feel a bit better!)
I’m from England, by the way and my Geographic tongue has come and gone over the years – never for more than a day or two and I think that stress makes it worse…no, I know it does!! Sometimes it can be much worse than others! Acidic or citric foods make the problem even worse – eating humous with lemon in it (which I really, really like!!) can make it swell up and really sting – almost like an allergic reaction! Ditto with tomatoes, which I also used to really enjoy.
I’ve also has tonsil stones all my life – and again, I seem to get more of them when I’m stressed or run down (don’t know why that would be?) – in fact, as a child when I was grouchy or seemed to be starting with something, my mother would say ‘let me have a look at your throat…yes, there are those yellow things again!’ – she actually used to pop them out with the end of a toothbrush, ha ha! (the thought of that makes me wince now!).
Recently, I’ve noticed my top lip hasn’t been feeling ‘right’ – it feels like it swells up and goes down again – it’s worse if I’ve consumed alcohol. The other day, my bottom lip seemed to be starting to do something similar…I thought ‘enough’s enough’ this is clearly not right, it’s on top of the geographic tongue – there must be something I can do! And so I found your incredible book! Talk about value for money – what a huge amount of information to digest (pardon the pun!).
When I first went to the doctor with it 15 years ago, while pregnant, she initially prescribed me cream for oral thrush (didn’t do a damn thing!) and then diagnosed Geographic tongue. She told me that Geographic tongue is ‘just one of those things – there’s no treatment, but it’s harmless’, so I accepted it! It makes me mad now! More recently my dentist had mentioned that I could try magnesium if it bothered me, but that’s the full extent of any advice I’ve had!
I’m really looking forward to trying out your remedies and have purchased from amazon a couple of the books you recommended too. It’s clear to me that it’s really a holistic approach, and I’m so frightened about what might happen to me if I don’t get this right, that I’m willing to give this my best shot!
Wish me luck (although, from what you say, that doesn’t really come into it!) – I will keep you posted!
Best wishes,
Alison Coates (age 36)
Hi Tim,
Thanks for that extra report – it’s very interesting! I’m going to try all the supplements you recommend.
I took plenty of folic acid when I was pregnant as they recommended that you do that in the first three months to minimise the risk of spina bifida for the baby (though I can’t remember if my geographic tongue started during the time I was taking the folic acid supplements or after). Interestingly enough, my daughter was born with a very insignificant defect – but one they needed to check out – which was a deep indentation / dimple at the base of her spine. I remember them mentioning Spina Bifida at the time, and thinking “well, I took my folic acid, like I was supposed to!”. It turned out to be fine, but I have always wondered what would have happened if I’d not taken my folic acid! Perhaps I had a defficiency even then!
… The main thing is that I do feel like you have drawn back a secret curtain here and there is light coming in now! I’m very excited at the prospect of getting this sorted out, and getting my system working properly.
Best wishes,
Hi Tim,
Well, I just looked in the mirror and can’t see a single ‘geographic patch’! My tongue still looks a bit ‘beaten up’, if that makes sense, but none of the tell tale patches that we know and love (ha!). It actually feels better too – like it’s healing!! I can see now that there are also plenty of fissures (been re-reading the chapter on that!) – hopefully my new regime will kick them into touch too – I’m drinking lots of water…
This morning I went to the health food shop in my village – well actually it’s more of a vitamin shop. It’s odd – it’s only a tiny village, and this place is a real Aladdin’s cave!
PS I baked some bread today too!! 🙂
So if you are pregnant and experiencing Geographic Tongue your body is trying to tell you something. For your health and the health of your baby you need to get the proper nutrition right away!
Here is what Karen had to say:
Dear Tim,
I got geographic tongue while pregnant and still have it (I am still nursing). It has gotten worse.
At first I was wondering if your system would work on pregnancy induced geo tongue but I have to tell you this- I started on the treatment you mentioned and my tongue cleared up in two days!
I cannot imagine that it could be a coincidence. I have not had a new lesion begin and it’s now been five or six days.
I don’t think I have gone that long without something flaring up in a long time.
I will be curious to see if I need to continue taking it after I quit breastfeeding.
Anyway, I am so happy and appreciative.
Thanks for your help!
Karen Trevino
Obviously, pregnancy is a strain on your body requiring extra nutrients. But, if you nurse your baby (which you should if at all possible) you have extended the time your body needs that extra nutrition. Plus waking up every couple of hours to care for the baby doesn’t help you recuperate from the stress and strain either… and you certainly don’t need the added stress of worrying about Geographic Tongue.
Fortunately, our bodies were designed to know this and have almost super healing powers during this time all they need are the proper building blocks to do it.
Here is what Diane had to say:
This is day 8 of a tongue so painful that I have been talking like I have a hairlip. Singing in church Sunday was an outstanding experience for all seated around me. HA!
I will start taking these supplements in these amounts today…
Thanks for all your help, I have enjoyed your book.
God Bless You,
And I got this note a short time later:
Things are much better, I have been taking vitamins just about every day…I have been super cautious about my diet simply because I DO NOT want my tongue to hurt that bad again, but the vitamin therapy seems to help a lot. THANK YOU!
Another good thing is my son does not nurse as often as he used to (every two hours) I think the added vitamins are making my milk quality better, so he is not hungry as often, so I am going to give you the credit for that as well.Thanks for checking on me, keep in touch!God Bless,Diane
So there is hope if you have Geographic Tongue and are pregnant or nursing. Get the proper nutrition and it will make a big difference not only for you but for your baby.
Retired Schoolteacher and geographic tongue sufferer Dorothy Chalmers of Scotland says,
“Well done in producing this excellent resource for the world! It is pure genius… your book is absolutely fantastic!”
So, when you order the “Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue and Other Tongue Problems” e-book you’ll be able to download it instantly and as a bonus in a few minutes we will email you our Doctor recommended Vitamin program specifically targeted to patients with Geographic Tongue. That means you can begin seeing a healthier tongue in as little as 7 to 10 days. I really don’t need to give you a big sales pitch. If your tongue is a mess you need this book. Here is what Karen says,
Hi Tim,
I just read the table of contents of your book. WOW. I had no idea that you covered so much. I had so many of the problems.
Karen Anderson
(You won’t find all this information in one place anywhere else):
If you would like more information:
My name is Tim McMahon and I’ve been there! I suffered from Geographic Tongue and through a strange set of circumstances I learned how to get rid of it. You see, shortly after college I fought the battle of my life (literally). Somehow, I developed Crohn’s disease and went from a healthy 135 lbs down to 95 lbs and literally thought I was going to die (and I looked like it too.) In the process, I had a huge chunk of my intestines removed. From that I developed Geographic Tongue and eventually that led to my discovering the solution. You can follow this link, if you’d like to hear My Whole Story
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