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Welcome to Healthy Tongue Secrets!

Geographic tongue

   Do you hate the sight of your tongue?

  Are you afraid of what others will think if they see your tongue?

  Is your tongue getting worse? Or just not getting better?

  Have you ever wondered if your Tongue is trying to tell you something?

  Perhaps… You have a feeling that something just “isn’t right” with your tongue?

   Or Maybe you are just tired of the way your tongue looks

If you (or someone you know) has Geographic Tongue or some other tongue problem and you just want to know how to get rid of it ….

You have come to the right place!

At Healthy Tongue Secrets we are dedicated to helping you find solutions to your tongue problems whether it be Geographic Tongue, Burning Mouth Syndrome, Black Hairy tongue, Thrush (yeast mouth) or a variety of other tongue and mouth problems.

Order the newly updated Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue and Other Tongue Problems ebook

Many people have asked me, “Why did you spend hundreds of hours putting all this valuable information into a book?”

That is a long story beginning many years ago…

Back when I was a teenager, my dad worked for Pan Am (that dates me a bit since they went out of business in 1991), but anyway because my dad worked for the airlines we were able to travel quite a bit ( a habit I have kept up by the way).  One year we went to Ireland and Germany… and another year we went to Mexico.  And that is where my troubles began.

It seems that during that trip to Mexico I picked up a bad case of “Montezuma’s revenge” or traveler’s diarrhea.  It was the worst case I have ever had, it seems like I spent half the trip in the bathroom.  But after a while, I seemed to recover. The operative word there is “seemed”…

Throughout High School,  I had recurring bouts of intestinal problems and was diagnosed by my Doctor as having an “Irritable Bowel.”  According to him I was too stressed out about school and so the problem in my stomach was really in my head! Well, things got progressively worse and eventually I was diagnosed with “Crohn’s Disease”.  The diagnosis didn’t help much and I continued to have problems.  I made it through a private engineering college where I began learning the keys to doing good research which eventually led to saving my life.

You see,  I got by like most college kids I ate a lot of junk food and put on quite a bit of weight.  But after college,  the Crohn’s disease started acting up again and I started losing weight.  A friend of mine accused me of being anorexic but the fact of the matter was it was just too painful to eat!  I would eat a few bites and then be in such pain that I would literally roll around on the floor.  Obviously,  it was difficult to eat under those conditions.  So I went to doctor after doctor.  And during this time I developed white patches on my tongue that seemed to migrate around.  I later discovered that it was a combination of thrush (yeast) and geographic tongue.

During the treatment process for the Crohn’s disease I found that antibiotics killed the thrush (temporarily)  but once I stopped them the thrush would come back worse than ever! Eventually I got down to 95 pounds and looking like something out a concentration camp.  At that point I was desperate and I finally convinced a doctor to do something and that something was surgery. He removed about 1/3rd of my intestines and afterward I was feeling wonderful … I could eat again!

Except that after the surgery,  I developed a really bad case of Geographic Tongue. And so on one of my follow-up visits with the surgeon I asked him about it and he nonchalantly said oh we removed the only portion of your intestines that absorbs certain vitamins so you are probably deficient in that… you will need to take injections for the rest of your life.

Uh, well wouldn’t it have been nice if you had told me that before?  Not that it would have prevented me from having the surgery but I could have started on the injections earlier and had less problems but then I may not have discovered…

The Nutritional Basis of Many Tongue Problems

Interestingly, after starting the injections I found that my Geographic Tongue was gone! At least as long as I took the injections regularly. That was my first clue that Geographic tongue can be nutritionally based!  Remember I said that my Geographic Tongue started before my surgery… well that portion of my intestines was diseased and wasn’t absorbing nutrients properly then either. Unfortunately, since everyone is different,  it isn’t the only cause but it is certainly a good place to start. (Actually, I have found at least a dozen different tongue problems that are documented to be specifically related to nutritional deficiencies.  Things like Bald spots on tongue, Beefy enlarged tongue, Bleeding gums, Burning tongue , cracked tongue, tooth-marks on tongue, Mouth ulcers, Purple or magenta tongue, Red Tipped Tongue, Scalloped Tongue, Shiny smooth Tongue, and a White-coated tongue, plus many more.

If you think you can’t possibly be deficient, don’t be so sure.  My wife was just talking to our chiropractor the other day and he said…

95% of Americans are deficient in zinc alone. 

And that’s not surprising since a recent USDA study showed that only 4% of Americans are getting the minimum recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of their essential vitamins. Another US Government survey found that out of 21,000 people surveyed, NOT ONE  of them managed to eat the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of the ten basic nutrients studied.

It’s hard to believe not one out of 21,000 are getting all the vitamins they need…

But when you think about it, maybe it’s not so hard to believe.  What with eating habits today, all the “junk food” and all the chemical fertilizers used to grow it…

But it’s not your fault,  even if you try to eat healthily… did you know that you would have to eat 60 servings of spinach just to get the same amount of iron as in one serving in 1948?
So what are the odds that you are getting what you need?  Pretty slim right?

Once I discovered the link between Nutrition and my tongue…

I started using the research skills I had developed in college to research nutrition, and natural ways of healing.  Not that I avoided doctors all together… because after about a year the pains started coming back!  I was devastated.  It was one of the worst days of my life. I had put on a bit of weight by then and I didn’t want to go back to being a walking skeleton!  In addition, my geographic tongue was getting worse.

During this time I had moved from New York (where I thought the “best” doctors were)  to a small town in central Virginia.  So I had to try to find a new Gastroenterologist (stomach and intestines doctor).  I was fortunate in find a young doctor who wasn’t afraid to try things. He did some tests to confirm that the Crohn’s was back (and it was) and after another year of “conventional” treatments, he said,  “We found that this medicine works in some cases of Crohn’s disease but we don’t know why, do you want to try it?”  I jumped at the chance!  I would do anything not to have to go back to the pain and suffering I had previously had.

So he prescribed a medicine called “Flagyl”  3 pills a day for a total of 10 days.  But this time before starting I did some research.  I found that Flagyl is used for a variety of things. First, I found it is used to treat alcoholics.  It seems that it makes you sick to even smell alcohol while taking Flagyl.  But I didn’t think that was the reason it helps Crohn’s disease.

Then I found that it is used around the world to kill intestinal bacteria.  Hmmm,  my problems started with that problem in Mexico…  So I developed a plan to introduce good bacteria into my system after killing off all the bad stuff with the Flagyl.  It worked!  My Crohn’s was gone, my overall health was improving and my tongue was doing much better!  And so another step in my system of promoting health was forming.

Two Steps to Eliminating Geographic Tongue

So the first step I found in controlling geographic tongue is proper nutrition.

The second step is intestinal health which includes developing healthy intestinal “flora”. Thus ensuring proper absorption of nutrients and better overall health.

How I Started Sharing My Discovery

A couple of years ago, Allison, a friend of mine began losing weight, at first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.

I knew I had to do something to help her. It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate. Naturally, not being “into” pain, she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue, so I began compiling some of my old research into a report I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.

As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own. Eventually it covered a variety of  tongue problems, as I found more and more inter-relationships between the various tongue problems and health in general.

The Tongue is the “Health Meter” of the Body

One of the interesting facts I discovered was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. Naturally, its obvious that a healthy body has a healthy tongue but a weakened body has a sick tongue. For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body.

When the body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.

Once you know how to read it, you will know what you need to do to return your whole body to health and then your tongue will also return to normal. This is why treating the tongue as the disease rather than as the symptom will never work!

Once I had the Key… I had to share it.

Once I had done all that research compiling this report for Allison, I couldn’t live with myself if I kept this important knowledge to myself so I have decided to share my secret discovery with those who are really interested in getting well.

So I have put this site together and compiled all my research into a huge “Tongue Encyclopedia” called “Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue and Other Tongue Problems”.
Retired Schoolteacher and geographic tongue sufferer Dorothy Chalmers of Scotland says,

“Well done in producing this excellent resource for the world! It is pure genius… your book is absolutely fantastic!”


You don’t want to wait a second longer than necessary to get that healthy tongue, do you?

So, when you order the “Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue and Other Tongue Problems” e-book you’ll be able to download it instantly and as a bonus in a few minutes we will email you our Doctor recommended Vitamin program specifically targeted to patients with Geographic Tongue. That means you can begin seeing a healthier tongue in as little as 7 to 10 days. I really don’t need to give you a big sales pitch. If your tongue is a mess you need this book. Here is what Karen says,

Hi Tim,

I just read the table of contents of your book. WOW. I had no idea that you covered so much. I had so many of the problems.

Karen Anderson


Here is what is in the book… decide for yourself

(You won’t find all this information in one place anywhere else):





Order Treating and Beating Geographic Tongue and Other Tongue Problems Now

Feel Free to browse the site:

There are Articles on:

Is There a Cure for Geographic Tongue?

Geographic Tongue and Doctors

3 Words Doctors say about Geographic Tongue that Make Me Mad!

At Last! A Solution for Geographic Tongue Without Pain, Embarrassment, or Doctors

Geographic Tongue in Various Age Groups

Pregnancy, Nursing and Geographic Tongue

Geographic Tongue in Toddlers

College Student Eliminates Geographic Tongue in 1 Month Naturally

Geographic Tongue in Menopause

Fissured Tongue

Various Tongue Coatings

Black Hairy Tongue

Black Tongue

Thrush Tongue

Pigmented Tongue 

Hairy Leukoplakia

Burning Tongue and Mouth

Other Mouth Problems 

Dry Mouth

How to Treat Mouth Ulcers

Bruxism and Tooth Damage

Save Your Smile, Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Cure for Bruxism


In Eight Days I am Totally Changed!!!

Geographic Tongue while Pregnant & Nursing



About the Author Tim McMahon

My name is Tim McMahon and I’ve been there! I suffered from Geographic Tongue and through a strange set of circumstances I learned how to get rid of it. You see, shortly after college I fought the battle of my life (literally). Somehow, I developed Crohn’s disease and went from a healthy 135 lbs down to 95 lbs and literally thought I was going to die (and I looked like it too.) In the process, I had a huge chunk of my intestines removed. From that I developed Geographic Tongue and eventually that led to my discovering the solution. You can follow this link, if you’d like to hear My Whole Story

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